Monday 25 March 2013

Who We Are

We, the City of Abbotsford believes in creating a sustainable and environmentally sound community. This blog has been created to address these growing needs, especially since there is an abundance of resources in the Fraser Valley. The goal of this blog, headed by the City of Abbotsford, is to be able to reach all residents in this area and teach them about supporting local farms and locally grown produce. “Eating Local, Growing Local” is the tagline for this project, because we believe that Abbotsford has great potential to become a world-renowned example of a community that is able to use its resources positively and effectively.
 We, the City of Abbotsford strives to build and strengthen the community of local food lovers here in the Valley. Through blogs such as this one, the hope is to reach out to Abbotsford residents who have yet to realize the opportunities that Abbotsford has for farm-fresh food. Our aim is to connect the consumers to the producers and provide them with further knowledge to spread the word about eating and growing locally. We hope that visitors to this blog will be encouraged and inspired to join this movement. As well, we strive to create awareness towards this opportunity to “Eat Local, Grow Local” and to create a blog where supporters of this proposal can share their ideas and culinary creations.

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