Saturday 9 March 2013

For the veggie lover in all of us..

To help you get started on an "eating local growing local" lifestyle we thought it would be helpful to give you some ideas for delicious local dishes. Here is the recipe for when you are tired of corn on the cob, try everyone's favourite summer salad made with local ingredients from the City of Abbotsford. Yum!

Roasted Corn and Feta Salad


1 medium zucchini
1 small cucumber
1 bunch of cauliflower
2 ears of corn
2 tablespoons olive oil
assortment of locally grown beans
2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
1/4 pound goat feta cheese


1. Preheat grill over medium heat
2. brush zucchini and corn with olive oil and place on grill
3. cut up all vegetables and place in bowl
4. place in feta, parsley, and beans
5. mix all together, add lime for zest
6. put on dressing of choice & serve!


  1. Wow, this looks delicious. I can't wait to try this with Mt. Lehman tomatoes and cucumber. I think I'd like to add some locally-grown bell peppers, as well :)

  2. Does anyone know if there is locally-produced feta available in Abbotsford?
